Monday, January 31, 2011

The day people started to control nature

-Hunter Gatherers- (Animals to hunt and plants to gather)
-Gathering is done by women and hunting is mostly done by men.
-Barley and wheat were grown in the northeast.
-Dra'a is where archeologists dig for remains of villages. It's located in the Middle East. This village started right around the end of the drought. They believe they had found a grainery where food could be stored.
-Hunter/Gathers were always going to be at a disadvantage then farmers because they couldn't collect enough food in the first place OR store it.
-The people of New Guinea have low protein diets. They have foods that are low in protein, some people have been known to eat giant spiders for protein.

What we did in class summary:
The first time when we stopped behaving like animals is when we realized we could build a place to store food. Also when we found out we could control the growth of plants instead of going around and looking for food. This was an important time in our history because is made a huge impact on the way we lived our lives. The villages could survive for awhile without having all the women gathering and all the men hunting. If you think about it it was like the worlds first refrigerator in a way.
        The society we live in takes the food we eat for granted. Alot of people don't work for the food they grow including me and my family. You don't realize what people have to do to grow these types of food and all the hard labor that goes into it. We just go tot the super market and pick out the eat, vegetables, fruit, desserts we want to eat. This is the way America evolved over time and the way we live our lives now. Others are used to the way of farming and working hard for their food.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Guns, Germs, and Steel Movie

Jared Diamond travels all around the world to try to find truth about past history. His journey began in Papua New Guinea. Jared's passion is to study birds, he has been since he was seven years old. Jared believes that race does not matter how smart you are. The New Guinea people can put up a shelter in a couple hours in the most difficult places to live. Even though they aren't living in the modern world, they still survive without computers, television, and other elctronics that we have in our lives daily.