Thursday, February 24, 2011

Egypt's Revolution

-Hosni Mubarak was president of one of the biggest countries in the middle east. (Egypt)
-He was president for around 30 years.
-On february 11th his vice president announced he had resigned from presidentcy.
-He was re-elected by majority votes on numerous occasions
              Electing a new president?
-It was illegal to run a political party against Mubarak
-Therefore making elections very difficult

-Videos were being posted of people being beated and tortured in Egypt.
-This made people furious

Revoloution In Cairo (Video)
-People were being beating for stupid things such as "no exisance friends on facebook".
- This wasn't a revoloution that was violent, it was peaceful.
-The police are on the side of Mubarak, the Milatary is on the side of the people.
-On January 25th the people started to riot
-Mubarak resigned without the forced resignment, more of cracked under the pressure.
- How does it feel to be apart of the history of Egypt?
-Does your family support what our doing?
-Did you ever think you were going to get arrested or injured?
-Do you have friends that support you?
-How do you feel about Mubarak resinging?
-Have you seen anyone be hurt?
-How do you think word would have spread without the help of facebook and youtube?
- How are people who aren't protesting handling Mubarak's Resignation
-Was it difficult for you to help with this?
-When did you start to hate Mubarak?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mummie Rap

When a person dies
He must be prepared to lie with the rest
And hope he has lived his life the best.
Hope he moves on
To the life beyond

To mummify a body
First you must wash it in a river
Than you remove the organs such as the liver
This might make you shiver
Then you dry the organs out
There might be some doubt 
But you’ll be ready to move on when you take the brain out
When a person dies
He must be prepared to lie with the rest
And hope he has lived his life the best.
Hope he moves on
To the life beyond

Then they took the body
And let it sit in the sun
This doesn’t sound like fun
Next the body was stuffed with packing
To prevent it from cracking
About 20 layers of cloth
Were wrapped around the person
Than they were ready to be buried
This process couldn’t be hurried
The box they were put in had to be sturdy
So it would last for years to come
When a person dies
He must be prepared to lie with the rest
And hope he has lived his life the best.
Hope he moves on
To the life beyond

The pharaohs had the best funerals
They were transported by sleigh (ay)
People were hired to mourn and cry
When they saw the person who died
Pass on by
 This was the last of the steps
And all will be well
As you can tell
Some of the mummies today
Are here to stay

When a person dies
He must be prepared to lie with the rest
And hope he has lived his life the best.
Hope he moves on
To the life beyond

Friday, February 11, 2011

Egypt - Mummies

Mummy Process:
  • When a person dies, people try to person body by mummifying them.
  • First they wash the body in a river
  • Second they remove a deceased person inner organs. 
  • They dried the organs out and wrapped them.
  • They put intestines in a jar with the head of a falcon.
  • They put they put the stomach in a jar with the head of a jackal(dog)
  • then they put the lungs in a jar with the head of a baboon 
  • then the liver goes in a jar with the head of a human. 
  • They put a hook up the nose of a person to get the brain out because they thought it was unimportant. (They threw the brain out) 
  • Then they took the body and put it on a table and let it dry out for 40 days. 
  • The head and body were stuffed packing
  • The mummy was then prepared for bandaging
  • It was wrapped in about 20 layers of cloth
  • They decorated it (with gold and jewelry) 
  • The mummy was then ready for burial (funeral) 
  • The whole process took around 70 days 
Information on mummies:
- Pharaohs had the nicest funerals.
-The jars were transported to the tomb by a sleigh (with Santa!)  
-People were hired to show their grief by crying and throwing dust on their hair.
-Religious ceremonies were held to bring the dead person to afterlife
-The opening of the mouth ceremony is said to allow the person to see, hear, eat , and drink in the afterlife
- Allot of the mummies were destroyed by grave robbers.
-The mummies that survived were often pharaohs.
-Mummification is sometimes so well done that you can tell what the person looked like.
-Mummies can be dried out by extreme cold, sun, smoke, or using chemicals.
-They believe mummification was a passage way into the afterlife.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Essay Question "Describe the transition of hunter-gatherers to farmers..."

             The transition from hunter-gatherers was a huge accomplishment. This allowed people to find new jobs and start creating new things. The first civilization was made out of stone with plaster on the walls. There was also window in one of the rooms to allow air in. This is an example of how not having to worry about when your next meal is can change how people live. If you have a surplus of food and animals then people known as special workers can start to invent new things to help your civilization to survive.
              Having a surplus of food can help a civilization a lot. Food like wheat, barley, and rice were easily planted. You could also store it for a long time so you wouldn’t have to eat it right away like sago.  Wheat was one of the domesticable plants that could change how a civilization worked. This is how people started to domesticate and use animals to their advantage.
              Domesticating animals were another huge event in human history. If you had a large animal over 100 lbs. it could be a huge advantage to you. Domesticating an animal to help you grow and harvest crops would make lives easier. It would also be a quicker way of getting done work. Cows, sheep, and goats are some of the fourteen animals. These animals were being used for milk, their fur, and their meat. This was one of many transitions from hunter-gatherers to farmers. 

New Guinea Report

New Guinea is the second largest island in the world.  Its capital is Port Morsby and it has a population of about 6 million people.  New Guinea has many religions, most are Christian.  The rest are 0.3 percent Bahai and 3.3 percent indigenous beliefs and other.  Some of the languages they speak are Tok Pisin, English, and Hiri Motu.  They speak some 860 indigenous languages.  The unemployment rate is 1.8% and their population below the poverty line is 37%.  12% of the people live in urban areas.  The rest still live like they did a long time ago.  The amount of oil they produce is 35,090 barrels per day. They use 36,000 barrels per day. They sell 32,490 barrels per day and they buy 14,380 barrels per day. They produce 2.885 billion kWh of electricity and they use 2.683 billion kWh.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What to study for the test tomorrow?

Quiz Notes:
Where were the fertile crescent?
-Saudi Arabia (Middle East)
Why did the fertile crescent do so well?
-They had animals (Cows, sheep, goats, pigs)
-They had crops (Wheat and barley)
Who was Jared diamond?
-Bird watcher
-he's an anthropologists
-Professor of UCLA
Why are we watching this movie?
-To learn about how the world was changed
What is this movie based on?
-Guns, Germs, and Steel. (Best selling author)
Name some of the crops that were grown to help people advance?
- Rice, corn, wheat, barley, sorghum. Millet
What's sago?
-It doesn't keep long. But it fills you up, but doesn't have protein in it.
What is the capital of Papua New Guinea?
-Port Moresby
Main religion?
Where is Papua new guinea?
-Near Australia
Whats significant about hunter/gather's
- They have to move around a lot ( Nomadic people) They collect all of the food all day.
What's a surplus and its significance?
-You can start to do other things , You can start to invent other things. (Specialized workers*)
What role does geographic luck have to do with the world?
-It has to do with where you live, if you live in a place with a surplus of food then your luckier than the people in New Guinea. Being able to farm, domesticated animals.
-The long term affects is a civilization that can keep growing because they have specialized workers.
What animals help the civilizations to grow?
Look at the 14 domesticated animals. (Goats, sheep, cows, horses, pigs)
What are the qualities of a good domesticated plant?
-Easy to store, nutritional, easy to plant and harvest
What are the qualities of a good animal?
-over 100 lbs.
-don't want carnivores, only herbivores
-Can be tamed and not wild
-Not too skiddish like zebras (WHAT WAS THAT?!)
-Social Animals
-Want an animal that can produce often. (Unlike elephants)
What is cargo?
- Things that you can gather over time.-Clothes, homes, and other things.
Modern New Guinea?
-75% are farmers, 15% are aquiculture's.
Latitude lines and crops? 
-The same length of time, crops, animals are about the same.
Whats the 1st thing if you want to get out of the hunter and gathering methods
-Start growing crops, become farmers.
The village with the houses. And what was significant about it?
Draa', It was the 1st village in human history, there was a grainery in it too.

Friday, February 4, 2011

New Guinea becoming modernized?

Class Notes:
-13 of the 14 were found in Europe. None in America, New Guinea, Australia, and South America (except the llama).
-If you can get a surplus of food it frees people up to do other stuff like make weapons and invent useful things.
-Papa New Guinea is it's own island that isn't surrounded by other good trading companies. 
-They also aren't making any good materials to offer the world.
-People by the fertile crescent made colonies and started to build plaster.
-Plaster was built out of heated limestone over 1,000 degrees.
- If your latitude was the same as the fertile crescent you most likely could do the same things as the people living on the fertile crescent because it was the same weather, animals, and landscaping.
-The town of Papua New Guinea is becoming modernized more and more.
-Just because some of the people are still working with stones and barley live-able conditions doesn't mean that the whole island is that way.
 Papua New Guinea Notes:

  • Papua New guinea is one of  biggest island in the world
  • It's population is 6 million
  • 12% is urbanization of the population
  • The unemployment rate is 1.8 %
  • Religions- Mostly Christian 
  • Literacy rate- 57.3%
  • Government- Constitutional parliamentary democracy and of commonwealth realm
  • The capital- Port Moresb

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Student Appreciation Day!

Class Notes: 
Surplus- More than enough supplies.
-New Guinea didn't have any natural of the 14 domesticated animals. (Same with Africa, Australia, South & North America)
-The people in the Fertile Crescent were blessed because they had both the right crops and the right animals.

What I learned in class:
Today in class it was a short amount of time so we didn't get through much of the movie. Tomorrow we have class first period so we should be watching the movie more. Today was student appreciation day and Mr.Schick brought in cookies though.  So that was cool of him! (:

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"WHAT WAS THAT?!"- zebras when they hear a noise

-The advantages over the stuff they eat is wheat and barley is easily planted, you can store it longer, and has more protein.
Movie Notes:
- People who had access to crops became the most productful farmers.
-about 9,000 years ago their was an amazing change in how humans changed by:
--Animal domesticating -instead of hunting they had a dependable meat supple.  (Goats and sheep were 1st)
--You could also use their milk to drink and skin for clothes.
--Domesticating the growth of plants so that they could eat it.
--Using horses and animals to plow fields and help with farm work.
-This allowed farmers to grow more crops and feed more people.

-Unfortunately New Guinea only has pis and they weren't even native to the land. The only muscle they have is Human power. All of the work is done by hand.
The best thing for farming is a LARGE plant eating animal. If you had a carnivore you would have to feed it meat.
-The 14 domesticated animals are:
1) Goats
8)(The other camels )Arabian Camels
9)Water Buffalo
11) Llamas
12) Reindeer
13) Yaks
14)Bali Cattle

What I learned:
Today in class we learned the 14 domestic animals even though Mr. Schick couldn’t find the pause button in time so we only got 10.  Another super important thing that we learned from the movie was that New Guinea didn’t have any large animals to do labor for them. They did have pigs but they were brought over from Asia.  When humans began to learn about all the things they could use they realized they could use a sheep for its milk and also to eat and use as clothes. I feel these were important times in human history also because if these people didn’t figure this stuff out where would we be today?