Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"WHAT WAS THAT?!"- zebras when they hear a noise

-The advantages over the stuff they eat is wheat and barley is easily planted, you can store it longer, and has more protein.
Movie Notes:
- People who had access to crops became the most productful farmers.
-about 9,000 years ago their was an amazing change in how humans changed by:
--Animal domesticating -instead of hunting they had a dependable meat supple.  (Goats and sheep were 1st)
--You could also use their milk to drink and skin for clothes.
--Domesticating the growth of plants so that they could eat it.
--Using horses and animals to plow fields and help with farm work.
-This allowed farmers to grow more crops and feed more people.

-Unfortunately New Guinea only has pis and they weren't even native to the land. The only muscle they have is Human power. All of the work is done by hand.
The best thing for farming is a LARGE plant eating animal. If you had a carnivore you would have to feed it meat.
-The 14 domesticated animals are:
1) Goats
8)(The other camels )Arabian Camels
9)Water Buffalo
11) Llamas
12) Reindeer
13) Yaks
14)Bali Cattle

What I learned:
Today in class we learned the 14 domestic animals even though Mr. Schick couldn’t find the pause button in time so we only got 10.  Another super important thing that we learned from the movie was that New Guinea didn’t have any large animals to do labor for them. They did have pigs but they were brought over from Asia.  When humans began to learn about all the things they could use they realized they could use a sheep for its milk and also to eat and use as clothes. I feel these were important times in human history also because if these people didn’t figure this stuff out where would we be today?

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