Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Official" Move Notes

508 B.C. in Athens- People have turned on their rulers. Demanding freedom from their rulers

- Was an aristocrat.
- He was broke up a ruler. 
-Was born about 570 B.C.
-Grew up in Athens.
-Would set Greece on the path to Empire
-Ancient tales and myths inspired him (influenced him from his earliest days)
-Would try to overthrow Hippias
-Was banished from Athens but then returned
-He created a democracy

Agora- central meeting place for people to address their fellow citizens. Every 9 days the people would meet here. ONLY MEN (and not a slave)

The revolution:
-Uprising of
-Rising up at the leaders
-Nobody has never done this before.
-508 B.C.
-The people had seized power for themselves

-Took over after Hippias

Two most famous stories:


Acropolis- City of Athens (Wall around it)

Greece was divided into nations called city states.
-Each with its own culture and history.

-Spartans were grown up to be warriors
-Raised away from their families in fields.
-Lived a life strict of comforts.
-Brought up to deal with anything
-Spartans were always a threat

Tyrant- is one who seizes and controls a government. (Has power for himself)

-The guy with a tall girlfriend who claimed to be Athena
-Gained Power
-He thought in order to maintain power he had to find alleys
-He turned to the common Athenians for support
-Reduced taxes and free loans

Pottery Makers:
- were the lowest.of the low
-The pots were used for transporting food and oils
-They decorated their pots.
-Took pride in what they did and brag about themselves

-Pisistratus's son
-He at first followed his father's footsteps
-He then turned bad and ruined everything
-His brother was murdered and he became suspicious of everyone
-Thought everyone was out to get him. (Paranoid)
-Was captured and banished from Athens forever.
-Over thrown by Cliesthenes.

490 B.C. Battle of Marathon: 1st battle
-Over 10,000 people from Athens went to fight
-Held off Persia
-Without any help from the Spartans
-Killed over 6,000 Persians

-He made one of the most athletics achievement ever
-The "marathon" was based after him
-He ran to Sparta to ask for help against the Persians.
-Ran 142 miles in just 2 days
-Help would be refused by Sparta
-He had never thought the Athenians would win

-He was the hero of his city
-He wanted to build boats called Tririne
-Trirines were boats made for speed and power
-The problem was that these boats were very expensive so he had to come up with a plan.
- in 384 B.C. the Athenians found silver in their territory
-They wanted to split it among themselves but Themistocles wanted to build boats
-He came up with the bluff that it should be used against the other Athenian city-states
-He was able to do this
The Battle
-Ordered the evacuation of Athens when Persia attacked
-All the men were called to the ships
-The Persians burned the heart of Athens
-Themistocles wants to fight between the Salamins which is the narrow water way between Greek and Persia.
-At the end of the battle the Persians lost 200 ships. For the Greeks had won.
-He was kicked out by the Athenian people (ostrosized)
-He died in Persia. The Country that he beat.

-Took after Darius (Persian Empire)
-He wanted to crush Athens and wouldn't rest until he did
- The Persian army had set out for Greece

Site of Oracle of Delphi:
-Was the greatest oracle of all
-She was located at the center of Greece
-People would go to ask about anything
-When the Athenians heard Persia was invading they asked the Oracle if they would win against them.
-She basically told them to run and there was no hope but Themistocles refused to run.
-People would come from all over the Greek world to ask the Oracle

Delain Leag-Where everyone met (Kind of like the United Nations)

-He wanted everyone to have a job,
-Make the greatest city the greatest in everything.
-Athens could do this now because they had the money and power to do it
Parthenon-was extraordinarily expensive. It was reconstructing the city.
-A 40 foot statue of Athena.
-Was a billion dollar project in modern money
-Parthenon Frieze:Was the most famous. It wasn't a full statue it was just a one-sided, carved out stone.
-It ^ celebrated normal people of the town.
-About two football fields long
-This was the first real achievement of the world's first democracy
-431 B.C. Pariclas wanted to start a war with Sparta.
-Victory against the Spartans would mean that Athens would become the strongest city-state.
-He convinced Athens to abandon their homes
-His plan was to isolate Sparta until they were cut off from supplies and gave up.

Aspasia- Beautiful, foreign, lady.  (Was Pariclas's 2nd wife)
-He treated her equally. Which was highly unusual for a woman at that time.

The Greeks invented Drama. -Tragedies and Drama and comedies

- Married his own mom
-Then gouged his eyes out when he found out

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