Friday, April 29, 2011

Rome rome rome rome rome rome

Julias Caesar 
Tiber River
Rome Map
Alps Mountains


Punic War

Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Carthage, Carthage two by four, cant fit through the kitchen door."

1) In 451 BC, the laws of Rome were written down and posted in the Forum. This law code was"
 -The Twelve Tables
2) The main reason the laws were posted in such a public place was because:
-Patricians had been interpreting the laws to suit themselves.
-Plebeians needed to know that all free citizens had a right to the protection of the law.
-Public posting meant transparency of the law.


5) By 275 BC the roman government was a blend of 3 types of governments. Which part resembled an aristocracy?
- The senate

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rome Vocab (Continued)


1) Gravitas- Strength and loyalty

2) Pater familias- The influence on a family. (The father)

3) Toga- A loose, outer garment that was worn by citizens.

4) patrician- Specially privileged family. (The upper class people)

5) plebeian- They had some power but not all the power.

6) Legion- an army of 4,000 to 6,000. It was a military formation.

7) Century- a subgroup within the legion. Holding about 80 people.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


1) How did geography help Rome?
- The good thing about the location of Rome was that it was by the water. They controlled the Mediterranean Sea. Rome was located on a peninsula and its location was important to its success.
-It was also in the middle of everything. (Trading purposes)

2) Why was each of the groups important to Rome (Latins, Greeks, Etruscans)
-Latins just wandered throughout Rome. They lived simple lives and wasn't considered a city.
-were the first ones who had set up in Rome.
The Greeks:
-Established 50 colonies on the southern part of Italy.
The Etruscans:
-The Etruscans were civilized people and had their own writing system.

3) What were the values of early Roman society?
-Rome was once ruled by a king but they became a republic This meant everyone got to help choose their new leader.
-Strength, Loyalty, and family.

4) (a.) How was the Roman household organized?
-The oldest father had rights to everything. He owned all the land, and the house itself.
(b.) What freedoms did women have in the family and the society?
-Women were in charge of running the daily family life and the household.
-Women did not have the right to vote.

5) How was the army linked to Roman society?
-All men were forced to serve in the army.
-You had to, it was apart of your duty.

1) Republic- a political unit that is not ruled by a monarch, but was where citizens got the right to choose their leaders.
2) Plebeians- Were citizens who had many rights, including the rights to vote. However they were far less powerful than the patricians.
3) Toga- was an uncomfortable clothing the people of Rome wore.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Greek Test Review

20-30 multiple choice
1 essay

Some possible questions:
What was not one of the sports in the Olympics?
In 776 what was born? (Olympics)

What was the way they walked into battle called...Phalanks
Who were the soldiers of the Greek army called? Hoplites
Who did the Greeks fight more than any other....Persians
Which of the following that wasn't a battle that the Greeks fought the Persians?
-Peloponnese war (WASN'T ONE)

Peloponnese war:
Why did it begin? (Because Athens was becoming to powerful)
Who was the war fought between? (Athens and Sparta)
Who won the war (Sparta)

In 508 B.C. the people rose up against their rulers in Athens.

At what age were kids taken away from heir parents? (7)
What kind of fighters were the Spartans? (Land fighters)

What did he write? (Iliad and the Odyssey)
Odyssey was about what? (Odysseus's journey)
The Iliad was the story of the Trojan war.

What were the 3 collums?

What age was it built in? (Golden Age)

What 3 goals did he have?
-He wanted to make Athens the greatest in Greece
-Strengthen Greece Democracy
-Expand the empire (went after Persia)

Agora is the place where discussions and voting took place.

Art and Pottery:
What was it used for? (Storage)
Was pottery looked up to? ( No)

Math and Science:
What did Euclid invent? (Geometry)

Who were the 3 main Philosopher?
-Socrates (Was charged with corrupted the youth of Athens and disrespecting the Gods, punishment was by poisoning *Death*) (Most famous statement was The unexamined life is not worth living)
-Plato ( Platos cave)
-Aristotle (Tutored Alexander)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alexander the Great

Alexander Facts:
-Alexander was the king of Macedon at age 20.
-His father, Phillip the 2nd, had died and he had to take over.
-The first thing that happens is that people start to rebel and he forms and army.
-He killed anyone who was rebelling against him.
-Alexander tried to ride a horse name,Bucephahus, which everyone had thought couldn't be ridden but he proved them wrong.

The battle of Gaugamela:
-40,000 against 250,000. Outnumbered 1/6
-Darius had retreated, literally running over his own people to escape.
-Alexander at age 25 was king of all
-Was welcomed into Persia.
-Went to India and realized it wasn't turning out well
-Bucephahus died in the battle against India.
-Alexander was hit with an arrow but recovered.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Projects on Greece

When would the kids get to see their mothers again?
Did the kids train with their dads?
How many people lived in Sparta.

Peloponnese war:
How many forts did Athens own?
So who really started the Archidmian War?
Who won?

Ancient Greek Army: Alyssa
The spears were made out of ash?
How did they create the swords?
Did it matter what design you had on your shield? Were there any symbols?

Greek Theater - 100%
Who were some of the famous actors?
When did theater really start?
Who was the first actor

Alexander's Youth- Clarke
Do you think he was "God like"?
If he hadn't had died what do you think what would have happened?
Do you think it was his way with the people that got him all his success?

Homer- Taylor
Did the people ever kill the prince?
Did Penelope ever find out about the witch goddess?
Odyssey returned home okay?

Helenic Age- Billy
What was the hellenic age?
What was the most important thing that happened during this time?
Why was it called the hellenic age?

Math and Science- Clark
Who was the one who came up with the idea about the moon?
Did they believe in the full moon things?
Math and science was founded when?

Pottery: Catherine
How much would Greek pottery cost today?
How long did it take to make the pots?
Who was one of the greatest pottery makers?

Poetry- Gracie
How were poems invented?
What was the most famous Greek poem?
Poems would be used in speeches?

The Trial of Socrates- Christ Cream
Socrates was accused because he didn't recognized the Gods?
So he was stubborn and wouldn't admit his wrong?
He was executed because he didn't defend himself?
Do you think he should have been saved?

Olympics- Emma
Who was the first real champions?
Did they have saddles and bridles for racing or was it bareback?
How would the disks be measured?

Greek Structure-Andrew
How long were the buildings usually up for?
Are there any structures made the same way today?
Did the straw and mud roofs keep out the rain?

Peloponnesean war-Cole
What stage was the bloodiest of all 3?
Who won the most of the 3 stages?
Who took over after Pericles? And how'd he die?

Famous philosophers- Katie
Did he write any famous plays?
What is the cave and how'd it have to do with television?
What did Aristotle invent?
Did people believe him when he started to test the idea of everything was made up of 5 elements?