Monday, April 18, 2011

Greek Test Review

20-30 multiple choice
1 essay

Some possible questions:
What was not one of the sports in the Olympics?
In 776 what was born? (Olympics)

What was the way they walked into battle called...Phalanks
Who were the soldiers of the Greek army called? Hoplites
Who did the Greeks fight more than any other....Persians
Which of the following that wasn't a battle that the Greeks fought the Persians?
-Peloponnese war (WASN'T ONE)

Peloponnese war:
Why did it begin? (Because Athens was becoming to powerful)
Who was the war fought between? (Athens and Sparta)
Who won the war (Sparta)

In 508 B.C. the people rose up against their rulers in Athens.

At what age were kids taken away from heir parents? (7)
What kind of fighters were the Spartans? (Land fighters)

What did he write? (Iliad and the Odyssey)
Odyssey was about what? (Odysseus's journey)
The Iliad was the story of the Trojan war.

What were the 3 collums?

What age was it built in? (Golden Age)

What 3 goals did he have?
-He wanted to make Athens the greatest in Greece
-Strengthen Greece Democracy
-Expand the empire (went after Persia)

Agora is the place where discussions and voting took place.

Art and Pottery:
What was it used for? (Storage)
Was pottery looked up to? ( No)

Math and Science:
What did Euclid invent? (Geometry)

Who were the 3 main Philosopher?
-Socrates (Was charged with corrupted the youth of Athens and disrespecting the Gods, punishment was by poisoning *Death*) (Most famous statement was The unexamined life is not worth living)
-Plato ( Platos cave)
-Aristotle (Tutored Alexander)

1 comment:

  1. There is more information about this rubric at Greek Project Rubric (found under the Links to History on my blog).

    1) 25/25
    2) 23/25
    3) 24/25
    4) 24/25

    Total: 96/100

    Good, thorough PowerPoint! Nice work, Sarah!

    (Your classmates gave you a 91.)
