Tuesday, April 26, 2011


1) How did geography help Rome?
- The good thing about the location of Rome was that it was by the water. They controlled the Mediterranean Sea. Rome was located on a peninsula and its location was important to its success.
-It was also in the middle of everything. (Trading purposes)

2) Why was each of the groups important to Rome (Latins, Greeks, Etruscans)
-Latins just wandered throughout Rome. They lived simple lives and wasn't considered a city.
-were the first ones who had set up in Rome.
The Greeks:
-Established 50 colonies on the southern part of Italy.
The Etruscans:
-The Etruscans were civilized people and had their own writing system.

3) What were the values of early Roman society?
-Rome was once ruled by a king but they became a republic This meant everyone got to help choose their new leader.
-Strength, Loyalty, and family.

4) (a.) How was the Roman household organized?
-The oldest father had rights to everything. He owned all the land, and the house itself.
(b.) What freedoms did women have in the family and the society?
-Women were in charge of running the daily family life and the household.
-Women did not have the right to vote.

5) How was the army linked to Roman society?
-All men were forced to serve in the army.
-You had to, it was apart of your duty.

1) Republic- a political unit that is not ruled by a monarch, but was where citizens got the right to choose their leaders.
2) Plebeians- Were citizens who had many rights, including the rights to vote. However they were far less powerful than the patricians.
3) Toga- was an uncomfortable clothing the people of Rome wore.

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