Monday, May 16, 2011


  • Octavian
    • Got  title Caesar Augustus
    • 1st empire in the Roman Empire
    • Began the Pax Romana
    • Built roads, aqueducts (bringing water from places)
    • Set up civil service(government) to take care of roads, the grain supply, even a postal service
    • Jesus was born at the time
    • Augustus died at age 76 by natural causes
  • Tiberius
    • Time of Jesus and Paul
    • Augustus’ stepson and adopted adopted son
    • Tiberius succeeded Octavian
    • Didn’t get along with Senate
    • Senate- “men fit to be slaves”
    • Didn’t want to be emperor
    • Germanicus- ally
    • Germanicus started to get powerful and looked like he was going to take over
    • Tiberius had him killed
    • Died at age 77 by natural causes (probably)
  • Jesus
    • Roman citizen and a Jew
    • Began ministry at 30
    • Preached to the poor, reached out to outsiders
    • Wasn’t popular when alive
    • A lot of things he said made people nervous, thought he was going to overtake the kingdom
    • Pontius Pilate,  governor of the Roman province of Judaea, sentenced him to death
  • Paul
    • He was riding his horse
    • Got kicked off and got blind
    • The first thing he saw was Jesus
    • He started to tell Jesus’ story
    • People wrote letters to him asking questions
    • He wrote back to him
    • Letters in New Testament
    • Jesus became known because of him
  • Most influential persons in history
    • 1. Muhammad
    • 2. Sir Isaac Newton
    • 3. Jesus
    • 4. Buddha
    • 5. Confucius
    • 6. St. Paul of Tarsus
  • Caligula
    • Germanicus’ son
    • Tiberius’ adopted grandson and great-nephew
    • Started off well
    • Began to fight with Senate
    • Claimed to be a god
    • Had statues of him everywhere, like in a Jewish temple
    • Slept with other men’s wives and bragged about it
    • Spent too much money
    • Tried to make his horse a consul and a priest
    • Critics said all this
    • Assassinated by his own aides at age 28
  • Claudius
    • Ostracized by his family because of his disabilities
    • Had limp, slight deafness, possible speech impediment
    • Conquered Britain, no one else could
    • Built roads, canals, and aqueducts
    • Renovated the Circus Maximus
    • Had an awful marriage to Messalina
    • She was unfaithful, plotted to seize power for her lover Silius through a coup
    • Claudius had wife and her lover killed
  • Religious troubles
    • Christianity and Judaism: monotheistic (one God)
    • Romans had many gods, plus at times the emperor was viewed as a god
    • A group of Jews called the Zealots tried to rebel, but Roman troops put them down and burned their temple (except for one wall)
    • The Western Wall is considered holiest site for Jews

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