Friday, May 6, 2011

Finishing projects on Rome

Pax Roma was a time of peace.

Circus Maxims:
-was a huge stadium like structure where people fought.
-Chariot racing, gladiators, and wild animal hunts took place here
-held 5 times the amount of people than the Ravens stadium.

-They were from Etruria and they were known as Tyrrhenians by the Greeks.
-Moved from the Asia Minor
-They built cities and were orriginally ruled by a wealthy king.
-their homes were made with mud bricks.

Tiber River:
-3rd longest rive in Italy.

Traquin the Proud:
-he was the 7th and last king of Rome
-The people of Rome overthrew him. (Was the last king they had)
-He was sent into exile.

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