Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rome's Empire declined and fell ):

Diocletian- he was the Roman emperor between 284–305. In 286 he divided the empire between himself in the east and Maximian in the west.  

Constantine-Roman emperor; known as Constantine the Great. He was the first Roman emperor to be converted to Christianity. In 330, he moved the capital to Byzantium, renaming it Constantinople

Eastern Empire-The eastern part of the Roman Empire, after its division in ad 395

Western Empire-The western part of the Roman Empire, after its division in ad 395. 

Edict of Milan-was a letter signed by emperors Constantine I and Licinius that proclaimed religious toleration in the Roman Empire. The letter was issued in AD 313, shortly after the conclusion of the Diocletianic Persecution.

Constantinople-The former name of Istanbul, from ad 330 until the capture of the city by the Turks in 1453.

Germanic peoples-The Germanic peoples (also called Teutonic in older literature) are a historical ethno-linguistic group, originating in Northern Europe and identified by their use of the Indo-European Germanic languages.

Huns-A member of a warlike Asiatic nomadic people who ravaged Europe in the 4th–5th centuries.

2. A reckless or uncivilized destroyer of something.

Attila-king of the Huns 434–453. He ravaged vast areas before being defeated by the joint forces of the Roman army and the Visigoths at Châlons in 451.

Leo I-Italian pope from 440 to 461 who extended the authority of the papacy to the west and persuaded Attila not to attack Rome (440-461).

1) What economic problems did the empire face?
-Rome only made things other countries didn't need and weren't interested in.
-The food supply became scarce 
-Gold and silver were drained away to buy things from other countries.

2) By the 3rd century, how had Rome's army changed since the days of the republic?

3) (a) What important religious change did Constantine bring about in the empire?
- he accepted Christians(?)
(b) What political change did he bring about?
-He built a new capital, one with more advantages.

4) (a) Why did Germanic tribes invade the empire in the 400
-They wanted Rome's treasure
(b) Why was the empire unable to drive the invaders

5) (a)List 3 reasons why Diocletian should be considered a successful emperor.
(b) List 3 reasons why he might be considered a failure.

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